Words that are Hard to Say - Reverse Video Search with Mathematica and TinEye

It all started with this link: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=150827548298158. My brother wrote to me saying he had seen this movie trailer and would like to watch it but the only link he had was of this facebook video which had no names mentioned.

I had a simple idea:

  1. extract a given number of frame images
  2. use TinEye to look for pages using similar images

I used Mathematica to extract the frames.

Then, using TinEye, we performed a reverse image search on certain frames we picked manually.

It was a fun experience! In the end we learned it was not a movie but a music video from a Korean artist.

And here's the music video:


Posted via email from CORSIS


Nichole said…
That's a brilliant method for going about finding a video. All though this is a nice workaround. We do need a real reverse video engine.

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