Binary Release: Tenka Text 0.1.3
Tenka Text 0.1.3* on Windows Vista Ultimate (.NET 2.0>) New Update Dialog from Tenka Text 0.1.3* on Windows Vista Ultimate Tenka Text 0.1.3* on Debian 4.0 (Mono 1.2.4 preview 3) SVN267 0.1.3 Release Notes This version of Tenka Text introduces dynamism into Wordlister. It’s the first release that juggles with interface design ideas which have come to prove themselves in professional integrated development environments. The main feature of this release is the explorer control in Wordlister, which is a tree view that performs organizational tasks much like the solution explorer control in Visual Studio. Wordlister explorer has been implemented in such a way that enables you to add, remove or switch between frequency lists dynamically. Because graphical user interfaces of integrated development environments are designed for highly complicated usage scenarios and heavy workloads developers tend to have, they stand as great examples for computational linguists that aim to deliver equally ...