
Showing posts from February 21, 2007

Frequency Lists - Statistics View

^_^ Here is the new statistics view for frequency lists from the 2007-02-05 pre-alpha release. I'm still actively working on frequency lists at GUI and lower levels and some of the following features might be ready for the next release: An option to have the program display in the statistics view for frequency lists either the count of tokens that are a certain number of characters long or the count of types that are a certain number of characters long. * Tenka Text 2007-02-05 and WordSmith Tools 4 can only display the first but not the latter. There is only a little GUI work to deliver this option. Live updates. Once in place, users will be able to add or remove files from their frequency lists without the need to recalculate everything from the start. Well, that's all the news about Tenka Text 2007-02-05. Let's move on to more personal stuff. Logographic Failure I found out that the "Tenka" Logo 「天花」, which was my personal attempt at creating a digital seal with...