
Showing posts from September 3, 2007

Mono 1.2.5 binaries for Solaris 10/x86

I think I've finally managed to botch it all up. I created a JRE-style zipped package, which you can download here 1,2 at your own risk ;). Whoa, it's taken me 4 days just to get so far with mono/solaris. ^o^ I wanna sleep like the relakkuma now hehe... These binaries are compiled for 32-bit/x86 processors. They also run on 64-bit/x86-64 processors. They are not compiled for running winforms applications. To extract the archive use: "gtar -zxvf"

Compiling Mono 1.2.5 on Solaris 10/x86-64

I've been trying to compile Mono, 1.2.4 and 1.2.5, on Solaris 10/x86 and x86-64 for the last couple of days and I am going to write the horrible amount of effort and time this has cost me so far. If I ever get to have a mono directory with a functional build of mono, the first thing I'm going to do is make the binaries publicly available.