Markov N-Gram Models, C# 3.0, F#, Professorship
Here is a very short update on what I have been doing recently. 1) Thanks to the excellent quality of the introduction to computational linguistics course I am taking this term , I get to learn a great many new stuff which boost the development tempo of my library. Here is a particularly interesting case: Markov N-Gram Models . These are soon going to find some interesting application in my experimental HMM-based PoS-Tagger. 2) C# 3.0 and .NET 3.5 have been released. I'm truly astonished with the improved ease of programming this iteration delivers. Waiting eagerly to lay my hands on some quality books on both C# and .NET 3.5. 3) F#! After watching Dr. Brian Beckman's latest video on Channel 9 about monads I decided to learn F#. Parallelization libraries like Parallel FX might provide all that is needed to seamlessly parallelize execution but learning something natively functional seems to be a great asset for the very near future. 4) I had the chance yesterday to attend a ...